The No.1 Garage Door Repair, Installation, Maintenance and Replacement Service provider In Burbank, CA
If you are looking for a Garage Door Repair Burbank, CA that specializes in garage door panel replacement in both commercial and residential areas, we should be your first choice. We have been replacing garage door panels for over 10 years, and always ensure that every job is done perfectly. Whether you need an entire new panel or just some extra security for your current one, our experts will help you at any stage of the process.
Garage door panel replacement is the process by which a misaligned or damaged garage door panel is replaced with an undamaged one. The panel that needs to be replaced may be a glass panel, fiberglass panel or steel panel. The process is fairly straightforward, and we have already done hundreds of garage door panels.
The glass garage door panels are the most fragile and therefore are also the most susceptible to damage. They are also the most expensive ones, which is why you need a specialist if you wish to replace it. If you only need a couple of broken pieces to be replaced, we can do it for you using glass of the same color and quality as the original one. Please note that all glass garage door panels must comply with safety regulations, so even if they are not broken they must still be replaced immediately after they reach their expiry date.
The most common type of garage door panel is the steel garage door panels. The steel panels are great for keeping out anyone trying to break into your home, but eventually they also need to be replaced, due to damage or wear and tear. Steel panels can be replaced by means of a small cut in the steel hinge section, requiring only basic tools. You can then either elongate the steel panel or simply replace it with a new one.
If the garage door panel is damaged, it can be replaced with a steel garage door panel. Steel panels can last a lot longer than glass ones, and they are also much cheaper. The most common type of steel panel is Cor-ten steel, which has a life expectancy of over 10 years. If you have an old garage door and it is not meeting your expectations anymore, consider replacing it with a steel one. This will make your house look better and more durable at the same time.
Replacing the garage door panel is relatively easy even for those who have never attempted it before. We have performed hundreds of garage door panel replacements and can provide you with a professional and complete solution for your needs. We can also help you get garage door panels for both your residential and commercial properties, so you should not hesitate to contact us today.